Hosiwell at Expo, China
Hosiwell At China
豪斯威尔走进世博“城市未来馆”:世博会,已吸引了全世界的目光。 作为该盛会的参与者,HOSIWELL参与服务世博“城市未来馆”, 服务信息点数10000多个,该系统网络,光纤等全部使用符合ROHS产品。 为美好的未来生活出一份力。
Hosiwell into the Expo, "Urban Future Center": the World Expo, has attracted worldwide attention. As a participant of the event, HOSIWELL participating Expo "Urban Future Pavilion", the service more than 10,000 points of information, the system network, optical fiber, and all other products used in accordance with ROHS. For a better future, a force of life
布线行业技术权威组织成员---豪斯威尔 近日,由《中国工程建设标准化协会信息通信专业委员会》经过对入围单位的 综合市场调查,用户反馈和专家评审,豪斯威尔中国区总部很荣幸的 被选为该协会《综合布线工作组》成员。
Recently, the "China Engineering Construction Standardization Association Professional Committee of Information and Communication" After short-listed units Comprehensive market research, user feedback and expert review; Hosiwell China headquarters is proud of to be elected to the Association of "PDS working group" members.

Recent Trip by Mr. David Liu, CEO of HOSIWELL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. to China one year after the reception of One of the Best 10 Overseas Chinese IT Company
六类 四对非屏蔽双绞线(软线 Strand 型) 四对非屏蔽双绞线(硬线 Solid 型) 四对屏蔽双绞线(软线 Strand 型) 非屏蔽成型跳线 四对屏蔽双绞线(硬线 Solid 型) 屏蔽成型跳线
Hot products in China: Cat.6 UTP Horizontal Cable,Cat.6 UTP Patch Cable,Cat.6 Shield Patch Cord,Cat.6 UTP Patch Cord,Cat.6 Keystone Jack,Cat.6 Horizontal Type Keystone Jack
Hosiwell At China from info.ec.hc360.com/zt/hosiwell/index.shtml